When clear vision and profound intuitive skills are needed, I can provide the clarity needed. With over thirty years experience, I have encountered many difficult questions and understand the "why" of events.  It takes experience to delve into situations and bring powerful insights to people.  


Channeling: the highest skill to bring to any reading. This is access to the highest realms of light, bringing the solutions required for any question.

Palmistry, the study of the hand! So fascinating!

Numerology:  numbers play an important part in life. Numbers can identify success, strengths and even your future!

Tarot: this ancient art is so accurate and enlightening! It is remarkable how this tool shows so many details!

Past Lives: finding out one's past is essential to knowing one's self. Many issues can be cleared this way!

Clairvoyance is the talent of seeing without vision physically. It is the "knowing" of events. It can be developed to a powerful skill.


Readings are $125.00 for a full hour recorded for you. You can use:

Paypal to Lantolight@gmail.com,

Square: : https://Sheryl-Watson.square.site purchase site

or Venmo: Sheryl-watson-4

Zelle: Sheryl Watson 303 522 5446

Reserve your time now! Text me at 303 522 5446 or email Lantolight@gmail.com I know you will love your reading!